Thursday, February 23, 2006

Shatford Thurston

So, I've grown to like my brother-in-law Stephen. He's a good guy, a devoted father and a good husband for my sister. But one thing he can never be allowed to do is name his children.

When Teena was pregnant with her first child, several awful names were suggested. Most notably "Never". Never. As in: Never going to get a job. Never will have a girlfriend. Never will receive birthday gifts from uncle Tony. Never. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and Kianna was chosen as a name. Kianna. As in: Kianna won a Nobel Peace Prize. Kianna was elected prime minister. Kianna has that kind of a ring to it.

So now a new bun is in the oven, and the name game is being played again. The name "Shatford" is being discussed. The logical short form of this name is the past tense of a swearword. They dismissed the much better name of Dominic for fear that the child may be mocked as "Dumb Dom". SHATFORD. SHAT - FORD. I'm sure kids won't be able to think of anything to say about that. Another name being batted around is Jackson. Good name. Wrong name combination. My sister's last name is Frost. I've always wanted to name my child "Tinker" but realize it will not be possible for obvious reasons.

Anyway, I needed to vent. And now I have.



At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would be appropriate to attach meaning to the "like father, like son" addage and name your son Oblivious.

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or even "Kianna has won the Nobel Prize. For kickboxing!"

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Duncan McAllister said...

How about names like:

Weiner Frost

Nipsy Frost

Kold Frost


Summer Frost - that is a good one. Wait - is it a boy or a girl?

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD! I had a Dominic in my class and he was never ever referred to as "Dumb Dom". I'm pretty certain that Teena and Frosty would have difficulty producing unintelligent children so they shouldn't worry about that one. Anyways, after about gr.2 the kids will be looking for someone with a more original name to target like SHATFORD. That name can be mocked for life!


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Gaby said...

OK seriously... Shatford?? Isn't that like, a town in England or something? Is your family British?? Is Frosty's family British?

Anyway, what I really think this posting is about is a cry for help... I know I'm pretty awesome and everyone wants to emulate me... so it's okay, you don't need to beg. You can offer them my name already. Everyone wants to name their little girl (or boy) Lola Bigcups. I'm okay with that... at least it would be better than Shatford!

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - Tony, I'm crying right now because I can't believe how funny that name is. Honestly... Shatford??! I'm on your side for this one - it's gotta go!

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dvlfShatford if repeated three or more times lessens its blunt impact. It's starting to sound pretty cool. Noni Joanne


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