Sunday, February 19, 2006

I dream of being this good.

One of the greatest world records in human history.


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so that is what your MBA entails training for the world record in skipping rocks. A better aspiration then the world record for longest public telephone makeout or following in the footsteps of Fdawgs expressive hands record ( 27 years and going).


At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mildly enjoy reading your blog but an issue has come to my attention. We are currently on that rocky road to Wrestlemania, with all the excitement that time of year brings. However, your readers in Japan who also watch WWE (there`s more than one I`m sure) are three weeks behind due to the staggered TV showings, therefore there is huge potential for spoilers. The Benoit vid wasn`t really a spoiler as I`ve no idea whether it`s put him out for a while (though it looks like it might) or not, but it just got me thinking. Especially as I`m getting this crazy feeling that Bret Hart could turn up at Mania.

PS I miss your tender lips

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone should ask Fdawg how he rigged the Matchmaker forms so that he was matched with every girl in law school?
(listed in the top ten best matched couple 4 times)
I demand a re-match


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