Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tony Bell = Pete Sampras minus talent

So, the ultimate frisbee finals were tonight. Much like Pete Sampras, I was playing, but not feeling well. Much like Pete Sampras, I ran to the sidelines and vomitted mid-game. But unlike Pete Sampras I totally played sucky and we lost.

That said, our team played an excellent game losing 15-12, and we were step for step with an excellent team.

Nobody noticed me vomitting, which is a shame because I'm trying to up my tough image and I think it would have gone a long way. But I also feel tough because I didn't tell anybody. I just "sucked it up". And now I've blabbed it to you, my readers. I think a real man would have not told anybody, but I've never been much of a man.


At 3:58 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Tough luck Tony! Would have liked to have seen that one.


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