Friday, January 07, 2005

This was meant to be a comment....

I tried posting this in the comments in the "clock" post...but it wasn't working for some reason...

Quick Responses:

To Alyane: I am seriously considering a trip your way when my contract is up. London is running #2 behind Costa Rica, but we'll see!

FDawg: I have no clue about this so-called elephant. None whatsoever. (Are you surprised?)

was an okay link. I prefer this one:

( link here...I was searching for a link to some sort of Living Dangerous in Japan website when I stumbled upon this made me laugh out I weird?)

For the rest: It is a bizarre clock indeed...I stumbled across it while reading up on Pro Wrestling of all things.



Did anyone see that Bry and I were named people of the year by ABC News!?!?


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you were named person of the year-- do you have gonorreah? Mom


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