Friday, November 17, 2006

A long night...

What the heck am I doing?

Looks like a lineup of some sort....

Ahh... maybe this link will shed some light on the issue.

SO here's the story...I camped out from about 5:30pm to 9am to secure the newest gaming console, the playstation 3. I was thinking of keeping it, but the going price on Ebay is about $2200USD, which represents a $1,500 profit - it was far too rich to turn away from.

Anyway, the camping was fun. I was first in line and we sat out front of Superstore while onlookers gawked, ridiculed and generally treated us like zoo creatures - which was fun. I had a particularly lively debate with a gentleman who suggested that we were adding nothing to society and that we should be ashamed of ourselves - it was a hoot!

I have to say, kudos to Superstore. I heard nightmare stories from all around that things were disorganized, that people were racing for their PS3s, but this was not the case at was quite well-organized, and never really in doubt as to whether or not we'd get out playstations.

A fun night, but I've been up for over 30 hours. Keep an eye on that auction...hopefully I make a buck or two.


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move over Clooney -- I'm closing in fast as the sexiest man alive!! ATB

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should get interviewed by the puppet on Letterman who makes fun of people who have no life.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice girly mittens. Did you hide the pink ribbon for the picture?


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