Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Starting over

I was ao inspired by my cousin Bryanna's awesome blog, and my friend Hien's great blog, that I have decided to start my blog anew. (Actually I didn't want to start a new blog, but when I tried to post to the old one, it didn't work!)

In case you have forgotten me, (and really, who could blame you?) here is a recent picture taken from my cel phone:

Here's one of me with some students. (I am in the middle)

The students normally wear school uniforms, and the skirt length on the left wouldn't fly in junior high school, but high school girls wear RIDICULOUSLY short skirts.
So I had an especially hairy day today, but since I love new fangled gimmickry, I have decided to do an ~~ AUDIO UPDATE~~.
this is an audio post - click to play

Perhaps the audio was not the best idea, let me know what you think.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Bry said...

Hey Tony!

I'm very happy (and perhaps feeling somewhat smug)to know that my blog inspired you to return to the blogging scene. I enjoyed your audio post (and so did my co-workers who share the same office)and was happy to hear that even in Japan you are still pulling some pretty funny "classic Tony" stunts. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures in Japan and will try to keep my blog updated for you as well.

Bryanna :)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Hien said...

TONY!!! I checked your blog periodically even though I knew nothing was going to be on there...I LEAVE MONDAY (less than 2 weeks) and I am nervous :p I am glad to see that you are getting a perm in japan...curls will do you some good...MATTA NE! (will send you an email later on)

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Tony said...


You have got to get speakers...I remember that about your computer. If you put in speakers or headphones with a long cord, you can hear me!


At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toenail: this is your mother-- we can't get the audio. What can I do? Love Warden

At 12:30 PM, Blogger sillygwailo said...

Hey Tony! Glad to hear (get it?) that you're blogging again. Thanks for calling us, the readers of your old blog, fools for waiting patiently for you to update, otherwise I would not have have known about this one.

Strong work so far in the audioblogging. I've been blogging for 4 years and still yet have to do an audioblog (or "podcast" as the kids are calling it). I like audioblogging because that way I get to hear the voices of the people I know either through print or those that I don't talk to often anymore because of distance. Good to hear your voice again.


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